Pre-approved funding of $2,139
for Queenslanders working or willing to work in a small business

Sign up

This program is currently full. Sign up to the waitlist.

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What's included in the
pre-approved package of $2,139

Free up to date list of Grants available to Small Queensland businesses

With tips and insights from successful recipients of Queensland small business grants.

Tools, templates & practical interactive courses

All courses are highly practical, inclusive of video tutorials and relatable small business examples and templates.

Daily small group interactive sessions

Daily sessions with our small business digital experts which will provide you with plenty of real life tips on how shine the spotlight on your business online.

I love the Queensland Business Revival team - all super professional but incredibly human. One important thing I have noticed is they are all successful business people. There is nothing worse than being trained by someone who hasn't actually been "at the coal face". Being involved in ongoing outstanding training and mentoring has revitalised my brain, I feel alive again! Can't wait for the next session - whatever the topic is 🙂
Tania Paul, Yarraman Caravan Park

This is what you'll learn to do

Daily small group coaching sessions

Every day, until 31st March

Join our daily live coaching calls every day on Zoom where you can ask questions to our experts and get things ticked off your list

This small business online training program is proudly funded by the Queensland Government.


The Queensland Business Revival Program is being delivered by Digital Coaching International, who have an excellent track record and reputation for online training in the digital space.  Their and platforms are making a genuine, practical difference to people across Australia and globally to transform their businesses and up-skill in digital.  

Because you are a Queenslander and have been affected by COVID-19 you now have the unique opportunity to access this training bundle free of charge until 31st March 2021.