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Navii to help small businesses get tech savvy with 3 million in digital tools via government-funded Digital Launch Pad Program

A short summary of the article that appeared on "B&T" in May 2022 featuring Navii's Digital Launchpad Programa announcement with contributions from Navii co-founders Liz Ward and Fabienne Wintle.
First published on May 13, 2022
Last updated on May 9, 2023

Published in B&T

In May 2022, Navii’s co-founders Liz Ward and Fabienne Wintle spoke to B&T Magazine about the launch of the Digital Launchpad Program which was established to provide over $3 mil in digital support tools for Australian Small businesses.

The article explains that successful applicants would receive access to the program valued at over $1,200 per applicant which includes a complimentary Digital Engagement Health Check and 12 months of access to expert support and practical online courses designed specifically for small businesses looking to improve their online presence, social media, online search profile and digital marketing planning.

Professional photo of Navii Co-founders Liz Ward and Fabienne Wintle with screenshot excerpt from the B&T article excerpt displayed to their left.

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