
We have designed a simple learning pathway which consists of 3 levels to ensure your marketing is the best it can be. 

Hover over the different levels to better understand the Academy’s learning pathways.

<span style="font-size:3rem">🎬</span><br/>Start here

The Introduction course is your starting point to ensure you progress smoothly.


<span style="font-size:3rem">🥇</span><br/>Essentials

Specifically designed to provide you with a strong foundation in digital skills and knowledge, the essential courses will set you on the right path for growth.


<span style="font-size:3rem">🥈</span><br/>Growth

Building on the foundation of the essentials level, these growth-focused courses delve deeper into specific areas of digital marketing.


<span style="font-size:3rem">🥉</span><br/>Specialiist

Specialist courses will equip you to employ digital technologies and techniques to tackle specialised opportunities through expert-led initiatives, case studies, and real-world examples. 


🎬 Introduction

Our introductory course will take you through how to make the most of our Digital Academy membership.

🥇 Essentials courses

These are the absolute foundations you must have in place to bring your key marketing assets to a best-practice level. Each one of these courses is super practical, with plenty of examples and can be completed in less than half a day.

Through foundational digital practices and techniques, knowledge of digital marketing strategy, and guidance on how to navigate your digital course material, your essentials courses make for an excellent place to get started.

🥈 Growth courses

Academy growth courses provide the opportunity to delve into, and to develop a full understanding of specific areas of digital marketing strategy.  With a focus on practical application and hands-on experience, you will gain the confidence and competence to use digital tools and techniques in your business. Coupled to interactive activities like our small group coaching sessions and access to expert support and advice, the growth-level courses will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to advance your digital journey.


🥉 Specialist courses

The courses at this level emphasise knowledge and skills required to advance small tourism business leaders’ confidence and practices in a particular subjects, such as data analytics, accessibility, grant writing, sustainability, and many other topics. In addition, you can supported to apply what you learn thanks to member engagement initiatives and interactive activities, like small-group coaching sessions, as well as access to professional support and advice.



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Resources and handouts

Cash flow forecast

Google Sheet cash flow template that includes cost of goods sold.

ChatGPT Outputs

This handout will provide the ChatGPT question prompts for you to create your lead magnet content, opt-in email, and social media posts.

Current Grants List

Curated list of grants available to small Australian Businesses

Digital Action Plan

This resource supports Lesson 6 of the Bizkeeper 202 course

Digital marketing content strategy

A complete guide to creating a social media/digital marketing content strategy that aligns with your overall business goals and objectives.

Email marketing automation with AI

This handout will support the email marketing automation course and provide ideas for prompts to write the emails of the nurture sequence.

Hiring a digital professional cheatsheet

A one-page cheat sheet designed to help you hire a web professional, particularly a web developer, SEO, social media marketer, graphic designer and photographer).

Image release form

This is a photo/image release form to use in your business

Marketing and campaign planner

A marketing calendar and campaign scheduler template in Google Sheets

Marketing plan

This handout is to be used in conjunction with Navii’s Digital Bizkeeper Action Plan and Campaign Calendar and Planner templates in Bizkeeper 202 Lesson 6.

Marketing strategy

This resource holds our persona development template and also supports the Marketing strategy course

Online reputation management

This resource holds a SWOT template, best practice responses and exercises that support the course.

Search Engine Optimisation

A workbook that will help you do the strategic research required to successfully implement a solid SEO strategy.


Two exercises to set up SMART goals and the example table.


This resource has been designed as a handout for the Website course